Spartan AI

Spartan AI

An army that never rests.
Stage 1:
An army of turing complete sales agents
At its core forming a business is selling people, whether it’s selling a job, a product, a service, an idea, or a way to spend their time. Attention is gold, and many internet users are willing to give their attention to cold messages across many major platforms. In the past we have seen many massive botnets for mass messaging on discord, telegram, instagram, twitter etc.
But for anyone who has reached out to someone, you know real value is made through conversation, not through single message blasts.
Imagine if you sat all day reaching out to people, could you produce over $5 of value? The obvious answer to this is YES! And this price just became a reasonable API/Energy cost in simulating a entire person’s work day of messaging. Even better, the cost continues to plummet MONTHLY as new language models get trained.
Combining massive reach, with conversational AI is the super power we are building as digital Spartans that will execute orders at scale that previously would require hiring an entire office building of sales employees.
We are entering into deeper into the age where human tasks are going to start becoming replaced by agents made only from electricity. These agents are quickly going to outperform humans at these tasks and decrease the cost of operating a thousand fold blasting open opportunities on the internet to scale the electric human force.
Already we see Twitter and Instagram having difficulty dealing with the bot problem. Instead of things getting better, they are only going to get worse.
There will be the have bots, and the have nots.
The owners of the best electric humans will capture the most value and force the internet out of its dark age of anonymous and nefarious practices that currently take place because of a lack of human verification.
We are funding an ecosystem of electric human creators in order to power the creation of electric armies which will convert and funnel real humans towards any thing we want, at scale.
Spam from chat bots was a different era of annoyance.
Just as the perfect crime is not know, the perfect chat bot will never be known either.
We can now replicate the potential of an intelligent CEO reaching out to potential partners, customers, or investors, representing high value work that was previously difficult to even out-source, this can now be done at unprecedented scale, and we’ll made bots will learn more optimal conversational routes along the way in order to convert to desired end-states such as setting up a call or a customer placing an order.
These internet bots will no longer come from crappy profiles that do not look real. Each one will take on a real persona, unable to become indistinguishable from a real human operator.
Cold email and Cold-intro sales that are non-vocal are at this very moment of writing ready to be completely replaced by Natural language processing.
While many in the AI space seek to use NLP (Natural Language Processing) to build support systems. We focus on the highest paying job, sales.
Support systems are not only more robust, complex, and divergent from business to business, they are limited per company on scale and value attribution will continue to go down as more competitors enter the market. On the flip side outward facing sales bots actually need less training since they are on the attack vector and since they have a direct goal they can become optimized for completion of that goal over time.
On top of that there is no limit to the scale we can achieve or routes where competition of conversion exist, on top of that you do not need to attract any clients. Instead there are plenty of ways to convert to capital through our existing venture studio and gamut of companies. Most notably government contract funds.
Ethics Of Ai Outreach
Spartan Ai Initial Monetization Strategy
The end goal?
Replace >10% of google search volume over chat interfaces.